Friday, January 15, 2010


don't you hate it when you've been craving chocolate all day so you decide that between work and rehearsal you'll stop at a little coffee shop for a double fudge cookie then when you get out to your car and bite into it you realize it's stale? i do. didn't stop me from eating it. but still.


hilary said...

so disappointing. i probably still would've eaten it anyway too...

kind of reminds me of that seinfeld episode in the bakery when jerry gets a black and white cookie and makes him throw up and elaine gets "a hair with a cake on it". haha! at least you didn't have those things happen, right?

Lindsay said...

Ugh, that is a major gastro-disappointment. I hope you have better luck next time!

Jess said...
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Jess said...

Probably in anger I would have stopped by a 7 Eleven store and taken out my disappointment on the innocently stacked candy aisle and eaten twice my body weight on thick and chewy chocolate bars ( easily forgetting my "health-kick" resolution). So I salute you on not being a vengeful chocolate craver like me. :) Better luck next time!

P.S. sorry for removing this comment before. My computer was acting up.