Wednesday, April 21, 2010

come and meet those dancing feet.

watch this:

video of 42ND STREET at pioneer

and get tickets here:

tickets for 42ND STREET at pioneer

if you've never seen 20 people tapping live onstage before, you must. it's thrilling.

see you there?


April Fossen said...

I'm pee excited to see this! And I think the girls might actually pee. They've never seen tap-dancing. Hee!

Jessica said...

I wanna come, I wanna come!

Lindsay said...

Congratulations! I'm home for the weekend and I saw the picture and story in the GO section. Have a great run!!

hilary said...

is it still playing?? i'm in utah!! i would love to come see it. my mom showed me your article in the paper! :)